Instructions for Authors


Submission :

The authors are invited to submit a two-page abstract, in Word (Click here to download) or LaTeX (Click here to download) format, including the title of the paper, the names and addresses of the authors, keywords, and at least 3 references.

a) Create an account

In order to submit an abstract, you must first create a Sciencesconf account. If you don’t already have a Sciencesconf account, you can create one on this site by hovering over the "Login" button (accessible in the top right corner of every page on the site). You will receive an email with a link to validate the creation of your account.

Not sure if you already have an account? An account is associated with an email address. When you enter your email address in the account creation form, the system will let you know if the email address is already in use.

b) Create a submission (submit an abstract)

After logging into the CNMT2A website: go to "My space" > "My submissions" and click on "Submit an abstract." By default, you will need to fill in and verify 4 steps.

Step 1: Metadata

Enter at least all the mandatory information marked with an asterisk (*).

Step 2: Author(s)

This section allows you to list the authors of your submission. You can add as many authors as you wish by clicking on "Add an author."

Step 3: File(s)

This step allows you to upload the abstract file. Don’t forget to click on the "Upload" button. The file should appear at the bottom under "FILE."

Step 4: Summary

This last step allows you to review your submission (all the metadata entered and the file containing the abstract). If you wish to make changes to your submission, click on the previous steps; otherwise, click on "Submit."


Seminar Format :

The seminar will take place in a hybrid format.


Participation and accommodation Fees :

Participation in the conference is free of charge. However, accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participants.


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